Ninja CAST Ninja CAST The combination of the Ninja V and AtomX CAST becomes the Ninja CAST. Ninja CAST is for video creators or anyone who wants to make broadcast quality multi-camera programs simply and quickly from anywhere. Add professional broadcast quality features to your online meetings, presentations, remote learning/training, virtual conferences, demonstrations or engaging corporate videos. Best of all, […]
Neon 24
Professional 24″ HDR Monitor-Recorder Neon 24 is a precision on-set and in-studio 4K HDR Production Monitor. Neon 24 utilizes a combination of high quality 17:9 4K DCI resolution and true 10-bit panel fidelity with full array local dimming backlight to deliver beautiful 0nit deep blacks and 1000nits HDR full screen brightness. The Neon series also […]
Neon 17
Neon Test & Try Program Want a hands-on experience with Neon? Submit your details and we’ll be in touch to organize a time for you to test drive the Atomos Neon of your choice. ENQUIRE NOW Professional 17″ HDR Monitor-Recorder NEON 17 is a precision on-set and in-studio 4K HDR production monitor featuring 1000nit fullscreen […]
Shogun Studio 2
HDR dual monitor 8-channel HDp60 2-channel 4Kp60 rackmount recorder The flexible new Shogun Studio 2 takes state of the art Atomos multi-channel recording technology and combines it with two premium 7” HDR 3000nit* high bright touchscreen displays, all in a single 3RU unit. Its unique combination of features makes it perfect for live events, outside […]
Sumo 19
Sumo 19. See it all. Proven. Reliable More than just a monitor – Sumo 19 is the perfect tool to bridge your 4K HDR workflow across multiple cameras, audio and Atomos devices. Sumo 19 is a Monitor-Record-Switcher, and highly adaptable to suit multiple applications. Unlock the true potential of your RAW cinema cameras with the Sumo 19. Preserve […]
Shogun 7
RECORD 7″ HDR Pro/Cinema Monitor Recorder-Switcher Designed for professionals that push boundaries with the quality of their videos, this 7-inch screen elevates the image captured by any HDMI or SDI camera to new levels. With 1,000,000:1 contrast ratio and peak brightness of 3000nits, Shogun 7 is the ultimate all-in-one video production tool. Shogun 7 embraces […]
Ninja V

Ninja V Capture your vision The multi-award winning Atomos Ninja V Monitor-Recorder features a stunningly bright 5.2” 10-bit HDR display with 1000nits of output. The sleek aluminium body is crafted for maximum durability, weighing in at just 360g and measuring only 25mm thick – easily attaching to any camera rig. Ninja V records directly from […]
Ninja V+

Introducing Ninja V+ Ninja V+ The world’s first 8K RAW HDR monitor recorder The Ninja V+ is the next stage in the evolution of the multi-award winning Atomos Ninja, delivering up to 8Kp30 and 4Kp120 continuous recording in Apple ProRes RAW while inheriting HDR, 4Kp60 RAW and video as well as HDp120 slow motion from […]
Shinobi 7
Shinobi 7 Big. Bright. Beautiful. Shinobi 7 combines a large 7” HDR screen with a calibrated peak brightness of 2200nits and the lightweight monitor-only functions of the original Shinobi. The Shinobi 7 can be used in the brightest of environments to monitor signals up to 4Kp60 via HDMI or SDI. An ideal directors’ monitor, focus […]
COMPACT MONITOR Introducing Shinobi Go anywhere and see everything exactly how you want it with the Atomos Shinobi – a high brightness 1000nit 5 inch HDMI monitor that’s perfect for vloggers, creatives and photographers. Atomos has been developing amazing monitor and recorder technology for years in order to simplify and improve video creation. Shinobi, our […]